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Betty's Booklets

These exciting three Booklets are being re-published for 2013. The information contained within includes messages, formulas, information, on the craft and coming earth changes as given to Betty via telepathic communication.

The earth changes have already started as described to Betty over thirty years ago. Booklet three also contains information related to natural symbols like those found on the NAZCA plains and how they may relate to some of these other worldly flying machines as well as the last recalled encounter with these extraterrestrials and startling evidence of their visit that was left behind in the form of a hand print which was copied onto a white paper and preserved.

Booklet I has information regarding Extraterrestrial logos and messages, predictions and is also according to some linguists that have examined the writings within multilingual. In addition there are hieroglyphs that were given to Betty as well. Many are illustrated in this booklet.

Booklet II contains formulas and writings from the Beings as well as information on implants, the UFO craft, its propulsion system and more. Many illustrations of these unusual objects may be found at the back of Booklet II

Booklet III contains information as interpreted by the author of the NAZCA Plains ant the pictographs on the Plains relationship to some of these otherworldly flying machines. Many illustrations are included at the back of this Booklet as well.

Those interested may purchase Booklets by sending a check or money order for each Booklet of $12.00 + $1.50 S & H to:

Betty Luca

P.O. Box 52

Collinsville VA 24078


Please Specify if you wish to purchase Booklet IA, IIA or IIIA. Thank You




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